Chanted Vespers service, featuring Schola Cantorum

Te Deum is committed to the study and presentation of one of the oldest forms of written music, Gregorian Chant.

On March 10th, Te Deum tenors and basses are joining the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception’s professional liturgical choir Schola Cantourm for a free Vespers service. This 40-​minute Lenten prayer service fully chanted in Latin will offer both an ancient look at the practice of Christian Monks as well as a modern opportunity to experience the serenity and spirituality of chant.

Chanted Vespers for Lent
Sunday, March 10th at 7:15 PM
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (map)
More Information

Vespers is a FREE offering to the public.

Learn more about Te Deum’s commitment to performing Chant