Chanted Vespers service, featuring Schola Cantorum

Te Deum is committed to the study and presentation of one of the oldest forms of written music, Gregorian Chant. On March 10th, Te Deum tenors and basses are joining the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception’s professional liturgical choir Schola Cantourm for a free Vespers service. This 40-​minute Lenten prayer service fully chanted in Latin will…

Te Deum collaborates with acclaimed Bach Aria Soloists for Antiqua series concert

Te Deum’s Antiqua series concert on February 17th and 18th will feature a powerful collaboration with acclaimed Kansas City ensemble Bach Aria Soloists (website). Salve Mundi Salutare (O Hail Salvation of the World), a poem in honor of the various members of Christ’s body on the Cross, is explored, longed for and celebrated in unique ways through…

Lessons and Carols for Today Features KC Poet Natasha Ria El-Scari

Te Deum is thrilled to be joined by Kansas City Poet Natasha Ria El-​Scari at the Lessons and Carols for Today concert on December 18th and 19th. Natasha will write and perform new poetry to replace the traditional biblical lessons, delivering modern reflections on the Nativity story through an African American Feminist lens. Lessons & Carols…

Calling all students who love the arts!

Te Deum is proud to offer students a free ticket to most Te Deum concerts with a valid student ID. Students have a unique opportunity to join our growing list of donors with the Student Supporter program. With a $20 donation, students officially join our donor list for this 2024–25 season, enjoying exclusive benefits throughout the 17th season:…

Te Deum announces fall tour

Te Deum is taking the ensemble on the road for our first tour! In addition to two Kansas City area performances, singers will present the Truer Words concerts in Des Moines, IA and Lincoln, NE on September 23rd and 24th. Audiences now have four (4) opportunities to see the Truer Words concert: Saturday, September 16th at…

Monteverdi concert to feature 8 Kansas City soloists

Te Deum is proud to feature eight soloists at the upcoming concert: Monteverdi’s Venetian Vespers of 1641. These Kansas City singers are talented musicians who will bring the incredible music of deep faith, infectious charm, and musical virtuosity. Paige Flenniken, soprano Bailey Wilkerson, soprano Julia Kasten Sharp, alto Zachary Cope, alto Christopher Fuelling, tenor  Tom Assel,…

Tickets on sale now for final concert of 15th season

Buy your tickets today for Te Deum’s final concert of its milestone 15th season. During Monteverdi’s 30 year tenure as Maestro di Cappella of St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice, he did not publish any music sacred choral music until the very end. This single publication, Selva Morale et Spirituali, contains music that Monteverdi chose to represent…

Antiqua Series concert tickets now on Sale

Tickets are on sale for A Glimpse of Heaven: Sacred Treasures of the Renaissance, Te Deum’s first concert of 2023 and its annual Antiqua series early music performance. The highest aim for the Renaissance sacred composer was to give the listener a reprieve from daily strife, and offer a peace-​filled glimpse of heavenly serenity. Emerging from the 500-​year-​old…

Christmas concert features diverse repertoire of composers

Te Deum’s annual Christmas concert centers around the popular text “O Magnum Mysterium”, spanning five centuries as we celebrate the meaning of this holiday season. More Information and Purchase Tickets “O great mystery and wonderful sacrament…” - Tomas Luis de Victoria: “O Magnum Mysterium” — Jessica French: “Love Came Down at Christmas” — Fahad Siadat:…

Don’t miss Te Deum’s annual Christmas concert

Buy your tickets today for Te Deum’s annual, must-​see Christmas concert. This year, the performance will explore and celebrate the Christmas season as Te Deum performs one of the most famous Christmas texts, O Magnum Mysterium. Meaningful aspects of the season will be explored and celebrated by structuring the concert around four different musical settings of…